Tesla CEO heads down perilous road in pursuit of profit

Tesla has lost nearly $6 billion since setting out to revolutionize the auto industry 15 years ago, but CEO Elon Musk foresees a profitable future fueled in part by a ride-hailing service made up of electric cars driven by ...

Solving the e-waste challenge requires global action

An international team of experts have highlighted the urgent need for global cooperation to reform the e-waste recycling industry and counteract the harm it poses to both human health and environment.

BMW warns profits will fall due to costs, trade uncertainty

German automaker BMW said Wednesday that profits in 2019 would be "well below" last year's and that it planned to cut 12 billion euros ($13.6 billion) in costs by the end of 2022 to offset spending on new technology.

Lufthansa warns airport capacity to squeeze growth

Lufthansa, Europe's largest airline group, said Thursday that capacity bumping up against limits at overcrowded airports would hem in growth this year as it reported that its bottom line fell in 2018.

Investment in LEGO can yield returns of up to 600 percent

Economists of the Higher School of Economics Victoria Dobrynskaya and Yulia Kishilova analysed secondary market prices of the world-famous LEGO toy construction sets released from 1987 to 2014.

Emission targets: If there's a (political) will, there's a way

It seems like a day doesn't pass without the release of yet another study that shows human actions will inevitably increase the Earth's average temperature past a tipping point that will lead to runaway climate change.

More belt-tightening at VW to fund electric new start

German car giant Volkswagen said Thursday it is looking for three billion euros ($3.8 billion) in new savings to help fund its pivot towards electric vehicles, adding that it could not rule out job cuts.

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