Scientists discover new 'origins of life' chemical reactions

Four billion years ago, the Earth looked very different than it does today, devoid of life and covered by a vast ocean. Over the course of millions of years, in that primordial soup, life emerged. Researchers have long theorized ...

Advanced pure copper 3D printing with sub-micron resolution

High-quality data transmission, high-precision information sensing, and high-sensitivity signal detection are important means to achieve precise perception and effective identification. High-performance chips, terahertz transmission ...

A low temperature nanoparticle ink

A simple and versatile nanoparticle ink could help next-generation perovskite solar cells to be printed at scale and become the dominant force in commercial photovoltaics.

Slowing down automation may have economic benefits

Robots, artificial intelligence, and other automation technologies enable companies to produce more. They also displace workers from their jobs, wreaking havoc on those who have no other training and are financially vulnerable.

How holographic interferometry could influence the future

Holographic interferometry is the technique of measuring stress, strain, and vibration with light. It is defined by the wavelength of light, finding flaws in structural bonds. It makes full use of a hologram's ability to ...

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