Cooling down global warming

( -- Carbon capture has long been identified as a critical technology needed to prevent global warming, but efficient and economical ways to do it have been hard to find.

Insights from nature for more efficient water splitting

Water splitting is one of the critical reactions that sustain life on earth, and could be a key to the creation of future fuels. It is a key in the process of photosynthesis, through which plants produce glucose and oxygen ...

Team visualizes complex electronic state

A material called sodium manganese dioxide has shown promise for use in electrodes in rechargeable batteries. Now a team of researchers has produced the first detailed visualization—down to the level of individual atoms—of ...

Safer, cheaper, more flexible battery invented for wearable tech

Researchers have developed a safer, cheaper, better performing and more flexible battery option for wearable devices. A paper describing the "recipe" for their new battery type was published in the journal Nano Research Energy ...

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