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NASA's Stardust: Good to the last drop

( -- On Thursday, March 24 at about 4 p.m. PDT (7 p.m. EDT), NASA's Stardust spacecraft will perform a final burn with its main engines.

Why are male spiders small while females are giant?

'Bridging', an unusual mode of getting around frequently used by vegetation-inhabiting spiders to cross large gaps, may partly explain the tendency for male spiders to be much smaller than females. Researchers writing in ...

Epoxi Spacecraft Burns for Home, Then Comet

( -- NASA's Deep Impact/Epoxi spacecraft successfully performed a maneuver to refine its orbit prior to an upcoming Earth flyby June 27.

Free Spirit: Next Step: Combinations of Basic Moves

As the Mars rover team uses testing at JPL to evaluate possible ways to drive Spirit out of loose soil on Mars, the team is finishing tests of individual "building block" maneuvers and is about to begin stringing some of ...

Rover Tests Evaluating Crabwalk Moves

On firm ground, NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers can make crablike moves by turning all four steerable wheels to the same side angle, then rotating the wheels either forward or backward.

Scientists start to unlock secrets of bird flight

(AP) -- For millennia, people have watched the birds and bees and wondered: "How do they do that?" Thanks to high-speed film and some persistent scientists, at least one of the secrets of flight is now revealed. When birds, ...

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