For leaders, playing favorites can be a smart strategy

As anyone who's worked in an office, a factory, or any other workplace can attest, sometimes bosses play favorites. Whether it's assigning the most comfortable cubicles or the best parking spots, or deciding whose opinions ...

The downsides of the quota system

Suddenly, the quota system is in fashion. The conviction, not simply in one or two German ministries, that it is a suitable tool for ultimately getting more women into company management is gathering pace. Norway and Spain ...

US probes HP's Autonomy fraud allegations

US authorities are probing allegations by Hewlett-Packard that a British software firm it bought out had fraudulent accounts, the US tech giant said in its annual report released Thursday.

Executive diversity—a powerful predictor of stock returns

A new paper from Tilburg University, 'Diversity Investing', provides more evidence supporting the case for diverse executive teams. Between 2002 and 2014, US firms whose management teams were more diverse, in terms of personal ...

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