Recording the seasons using the Nature's Notebook platform

The proliferation of citizen science platforms has allowed for widespread collection of data in countless disciplines, including phenology, the study of the timing of seasonal events in plants and animals. Writing in BioScience, ...

Improving land conservation through algorithms

A team of University of Georgia researchers has created a model to help land developers and public officials identify the land that is best suited for conservation.

Operational transparency increases trust, support of government

As multiple published reports indicate, trust in government has reached historic lows and frustration with government performance has reached record highs. New research in the journal Manufacturing & Service Operations Management ...

Seabirds successfully nesting in Oʻahu neighborhoods

ʻUaʻu kani, or wedge-tailed shearwater, is a seabird species common in Hawaiʻi. Though historically found nesting along coastlines, human development in these areas has likely reduced the availability of nesting habitats, ...

How fishing communities are responding to climate change

What happens when climate change affects the abundance and distribution of fish? Fishers and fishing communities in the Northeast United States have adapted to those changes in three specific ways, according to new research ...

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