Google Music: Definitely beta

Google has been accused of overusing the "beta" tag on products it releases early. But with its new music service - Music - the beta tag is mandatory. It's still pretty raw, judging from my experience with it today.

Semantics-based software boosts company performance

( -- New semantics-based software tools that accelerate the speed companies can develop or adjust their processes - while slashing costs - have resulted from a major European research project.

Obama moves to curb road-building in forests

(AP) -- The Obama administration is ordering a one-year moratorium on most road-building and other development on about 50 million acres of remote national forests.

Sun Microsystems to offer 'public cloud' service

(AP) -- Taking a cue from, Sun Microsystems Inc. plans to launch its own "public cloud" service, which will let everyone from big-time corporations to dorm-room entrepreneurs run their businesses on Sun's computers ...

Attempt to move Forest Service could spark turf war

In what eventually could become a major bureaucratic turf war, there have been stirrings on Capitol Hill about moving the U.S. Forest Service from the Agriculture to the Interior Department.

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