Finding the keys to boiling heat transfer

A team of MIT researchers has succeeded in carrying out the first systematic investigation of the factors that control boiling heat transfer from a surface to a liquid. This process is crucial to the efficiency of power plants ...

Drought and frost batter vital potato crops in Bolivia

Dozens of furrows lie barren in a dusty field on the Bolivian highlands. It should be replete with potato plants ready for harvest, but a deadly combination of drought and frost proved too much for the crop.

Study looks at predicting NFL betting lines

When bookmakers set the over/under line for NFL games they tend to give weight to the number of points a team scored in its immediate previous game. But that statistic is a poor predictor of the number of points to be scored ...

Researchers find everyone has a bias blind spot

It has been well established that people have a "bias blind spot," meaning that they are less likely to detect bias in themselves than others. However, how blind we are to our own actual degree of bias, and how many of us ...

Plastic debris in the Arctic comes from all around the world

"Citizen Science" gives interested citizens the chance to actively engage in scientific research. A citizen-science project conducted by AWI in the Arctic now shows just how successful this can be. In the course of five years, ...

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