The search for a job begins and ends with you

Staying motivated is always tough, but it certainly gets easier when you start seeing results. That's why keeping your spirits up during a job search can be extremely difficult. Candidates often face repeated rejection and ...

The downsides of the quota system

Suddenly, the quota system is in fashion. The conviction, not simply in one or two German ministries, that it is a suitable tool for ultimately getting more women into company management is gathering pace. Norway and Spain ...

Weaknesses in dikes detected by space tech spin-off

A company from one of ESA's Business Incubation Centres has used space technology to develop a scanner to spot weaknesses in dike structures. It is being used to inspect dikes and dams on the Danube river and in the Netherlands. ...

Women, minorities face special hurdles in job market

A new study from North Carolina State University shows that white men receive significantly more tips about job opportunities than women and racial minorities - particularly among people in upper management positions - highlighting ...

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