Using seismology for groundwater management

As climate change increases the number of extreme weather events, such as megadroughts, groundwater management is key for sustaining water supply. But current groundwater monitoring tools are either costly or insufficient ...

Managing the climate disaster

Researchers in South Korea discuss how we must adapt our approaches to disaster management to help us cope with the potentially devastating effects of climate change. Writing in the International Journal of Business Continuity ...

A race to save fish as Rio Grande dries, even in Albuquerque

On a recent, scorching afternoon in Albuquerque, off-road vehicles cruised up and down a stretch of dry riverbed where normally the Rio Grande flows. The drivers weren't thrill-seekers, but biologists hoping to save as many ...

Ocean warming threatens richest marine biodiversity

An international team of scientists led by researchers from the University of Adelaide has revealed that rates of future warming threaten marine life in more than 70% of the most biodiverse-rich areas of Earth's oceans.

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