Ankle and foot evolution gave mammals a leg up

The evolution of ankle and foot bones into different shapes and sizes helped mammals adapt and thrive after the extinction of the dinosaurs, a study suggests.

PCB contamination in Icelandic orcas: A matter of diet

A new study from McGill University suggests that some Icelandic killer whales have very high concentrations of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) in their blubber. But it seems that other orcas from the same population have ...

The longer the yawn, the bigger the brain

Yawning doesn't need be a sign of boredom. Rather, it appears to be a measure of brain size. Vertebrates with larger brains yawn longer, according to a study of more than one hundred species of mammals and birds. The findings ...

Rare blue whale washes up on Namibia beach

The carcass of an endangered blue whale, the world's largest animal, washed up on a Namibian beach on Tuesday with lesions suggesting it collided with a ship, scientists said.

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