Exciting discovery about the origin of humans

(PhysOrg.com) -- A major evolutionary biological study, performed partly by researchers at Uppsala University, reveals what has driven the evolution of new forms of life. The study also shows how such a complex life form ...

Scientists uncover role for cell scaffold in tumor formation

A group of scientists at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, in Portugal, have uncovered a surprising link between the cell's skeleton and organ size. The team, led by Florence Janody, show in the journal Development, that ...

Adult kidney stem cells found in fish

(PhysOrg.com) -- It has long been a given that adult humans -- and mammals in general -- lack the capacity to grow new nephrons, the kidney?s delicate blood filtering tubules, which has meant that dialysis, and ultimately ...

Sharks are colour-blind: study

Sharks may be unable to distinguish between colours, according to a lab study published on Tuesday that could benefit swimmers, surfers and sharks themselves.

Ancient pygmy sea cow discovered

(PhysOrg.com) -- The discovery of a Middle Eocene (48.6-37.2 million years ago) sea cow fossil by McGill University professor Karen Samonds has culminated in the naming of a new species. This primitive "dugong" is among the ...

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