Related topics: security · iphone

Staggering surge in Android gadget viruses: Juniper

The arsenal of malicious code aimed at Android-powered gadgets has grown exponentially, with criminals hiding viruses in applications people download to devices, according to Juniper Networks.

NSA has 'industrial scale' malware for spying

The National Security Agency has developed malware that allows it to collect data automatically from millions of computers worldwide, a report based on leaked documents showed Wednesday.

Facebook reveals new security tool

Facebook announced Tuesday it has been using a new security tool to help detect and remove malicious software for users of the world's biggest social network.

Google maps malicious websites

Google expanded its Transparency Report on Tuesday to include maps of spots around the world where hackers are laying traps or baiting Internet users.

Computer forensics links internet postcards to virus

Fake Internet postcards circulating through e-mail inboxes worldwide are carrying links to the virus known as Zeus Bot, said Gary Warner, director of computer forensics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Zeus ...

Microsoft takes down major fake drug spam network

Microsoft on Thursday announced the dismantling of a "notorious and complex" network of virus-infected computers used to send billions of email messages daily hawking fake drugs.

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