Why save a computer virus?

On average, 82,000 new malware threats are created each day. These include all sorts of malicious software – like computer viruses, computer worms and ransomware. Some are pranks or minor annoyances; others seek to pilfer ...

Researchers aim to thwart targeted cyberattacks

When it comes to Internet attacks, hackers have traditionally taken a blanket approach, sending out malware to large, random groups of people and hoping that something would stick. But in recent years, the standard operating ...

New system to combat online banking fraud

A security solution which protects against the most serious threat to online banking customers, responsible for millions in annual losses, is being rolled out across Europe by a Cambridge University spin-out.

Websites of Israel bourse, airline brought down

The websites of Israeli national carrier El Al and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) were both offline on Monday morning, hours after they were reportedly threatened by a Saudi hacker.

Fujitsu AI increases accuracy of malware intrusion detection

Fujitsu Laboratories today announced the development of AI technology to improve accuracy in detecting malware intrusions into networks within organizations, such as corporations, through an extension of its proprietary Deep ...

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