New system to combat online banking fraud

A security solution which protects against the most serious threat to online banking customers, responsible for millions in annual losses, is being rolled out across Europe by a Cambridge University spin-out.

Microsoft gets busy on fix for IE watering hole attack

(—Microsoft has published a security advisory about a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8. "We are only aware of a very small number of targeted attacks at this time," a Microsoft team blog said. The ...

Malware hunter Kaspersky warns of cyber war dangers

The Russian malware hunter whose firm discovered the Flame virus said Wednesday there could be plenty more malicious code out there, and warned he feared a disastrous cyber attack could be coming.

Websites of Israel bourse, airline brought down

The websites of Israeli national carrier El Al and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) were both offline on Monday morning, hours after they were reportedly threatened by a Saudi hacker.

Conficker Worm Prepares For A New Release On April 1

( -- The conficker worm created havoc last year when it infected over 10 million computers on a global scale. The unique design of the conficker worm allowed for this large scale attack to over 8 million business ...

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