Hackers talk their way into computers

Cyber crooks are avoiding the need for slick software skills by talking their way past computer defenses with old-fashioned telephone calls.

Sophos identifies a trojan for OS X

(PhysOrg.com) -- Macs have, for the most part, been considered to be more secure than their PC counterparts due to the lack of developments of viruses and other malicious codes that are created for them. Most of the authors ...

Kama Sutra virus dupes with sexy promise

Sophos computer security firm on Friday warned that hackers are spreading a nasty computer virus with a file promising a PowerPoint presentation of sexual positions from the Kama Sutra.

US studying Australian Internet security program

(AP) -- The government is reviewing an Australian program that will allow Internet service providers to alert customers if their computers are taken over by hackers and could limit online access if people don't fix the problem.

Web browsers and iPhone hacked at contest

(PhysOrg.com) -- Hackers had a field day on the first day of the Pwn2Own contest, successfully attacking Safari, iPhone, Internet Explorer, and Firefox. The Pwn2Own contest is an annual event that encourages security specialists ...

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