No slowdown in sight for cyber attacks, experts say

Cyber attacks are accelerating at a pace that suggests the Internet - already a risky environment - is likely to pose a steadily growing threat to individuals and companies for years to come.

Cyber attack on Seoul's Unification Ministry

The South Korean ministry which handles relations with North Korea has been targeted by hackers in the latest of a series of online attacks on government and corporate websites, an official said Tuesday.

Study: Risky online behavior common

(AP) -- Big companies such as Citigroup and Sony have been the targets of major hacking attacks. Yet a new survey finds that regular people are also prime and often unsuspecting targets.

Dozens of South Korean websites attacked

(AP) -- Hackers attacked about 40 South Korean government and private websites Friday, prompting officials to warn of a substantial threat to the country's computers.

Microsoft fixes browser flaw used in Google breach

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. took the unsual step of issuing an unscheduled fix Thursday for security holes in its Internet Explorer browser that played a role in the recent computer attacks that led Google to threaten to leave ...

Security firm outlines how attack against Google was pulled off

A Silicon Valley Internet security firm has described for the first time how hackers from China were able to crack Google's defenses, saying the attackers took advantage of a flaw in Microsoft's Web browser to probe deeply ...

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