Related topics: genes

Study finds savanna chimps exhibit sharing behavior like humans

Sharing food has widely been considered by scholars as a defining characteristic of human behavior. But a new study by Iowa State University anthropology professor Jill Pruetz now reports that chimpanzees from her Fongoli ...

Coevolution not healthy for the female sea monkey

( -- In a new study titled Male-Female Coevolution in the Wild: Evidence from a Time Series in Artemia Franciscana and published in Evolution, evolutionary ecologist Nicolas Rode from the Centre for Functional ...

Study: Mosquitoes beat out love song before mating

( -- That pesky buzz of a nearby mosquito is the sound of love, scientists have known for some time. But a new Cornell study reports that males and females flap their wings and change their tune to create a harmonic ...

Predicting long-term success in college

( —Long-term success in college may be better predicted with Advanced Placement (AP) exams and personality traits in combination with standard admission practices, according to new research from the Georgia Institute ...

Reversal of the black widow myth

The Black Widow spider gets its name from the popular belief that female spiders eat their male suitors after mating. However, a new study has shown that the tendency to consume a potential mate is also true of some types ...

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