Pantry pests trade immunity for sex

( —When presented with a bevy of beauties, male meal moths - the scourge of many a household pantry - will prefer to invest in sex over self-preservation, according to researchers.

Towards a new moth perfume

(—A single mutation in a moth gene has been shown to be able to produce an entirely new scent. This has been shown in a new study led by researchers from Lund University in Sweden. In the long run, the researchers ...

Virgin male moths think they're hot when they're not (w/ Video)

Talk about throwing yourself into a relationship too soon. A University of Utah study found that when a virgin male moth gets a whiff of female sex attractant, he's quicker to start shivering to warm up his flight muscles, ...

How moths key into the scent of a flower

Moths need just the essence of a flower's scent to identify it, according to new research from The University of Arizona in Tucson.

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