Gene-engineered flies are pest solution

For the first time, male flies of a serious agricultural pest, the medfly, have been bred to generate offspring that die whilst they are still embryos. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Biology describe the ...

Good males are bad fathers

Contrary to predictions, males of high genetic quality are not very successful when it comes to fertilizing eggs. A new study on seed beetles by Swedish and Danish scientists Göran Arnqvist and Trine Bilde shows that when ...

A new way to assess male fertility

Current tests for male fertility include measuring the concentration and motility of spermatozoa. However, other characteristics of sperm, such as their ability to follow a chemical trail to the egg, can influence the likelihood ...

Bond gene in fruit flies controls fertility of rival males

For many animals, pheromones, which are chemical cues used for communication, guide important decisions such as whom to mate and whom to fight. New research from scientists at the University of Hawai'i - Mānoa's (UHM) Pacific ...

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