Four questions about missing Malaysian plane answered

Travelers at Asian airports have asked questions about the March 8 disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Here are some of them, followed by answers.

What a black box can tell us about missing flight MH370

As the search continues for wreckage from the missing Malaysia Airlines plane it's probable that answers surrounding the mystery of flight MH370 will not be available until the recorders are recovered.

Sonar loaded underwater robot to hunt for MH370

A torpedo-shaped mini-sub could provide conclusive proof that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 crashed into the Indian Ocean, but the task is set to push the machine to its limits.

Ocean garbage frustrates search for Flight 370

Sometimes the object spotted in the water is a snarled fishing line. Or a buoy. Or something that might once have been the lid to an ice box. Not once—not yet at least—has it been a clue.

Technology hindered, helped search for Flight 370

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has presented two tales of modern technology. The limitations of tracking and communications devices allowed the plane to vanish from sight for nearly three weeks. But satellites' ...

FBI analyzing flight simulator data in Malaysia

A U.S. official said Wednesday that the Malaysian government is seeking the FBI's help in analyzing any electronic files deleted last month from the home flight simulator of the pilot of the missing Malaysian plane.

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