Crush and burn: Malaysia destroys huge ivory trove

Malaysia has destroyed 9.5 tonnes of elephant ivory it seized over the years, which authorities hope will help deter smugglers who have long used the country as a trans-shipment point.

Cambodia to repopulate forests with tigers from abroad

Cambodia has unveiled a plan to reintroduce tigers from abroad into the dry forests of the country, where the big cat has become virtually extinct thanks to poaching, conservation officials said Wednesday.

Giant panda gives birth in Malaysia

A giant panda leant by China to Malaysia has given birth to a cub in captivity, Prime Minister Najib Razak said Tuesday, following a diplomatically tough year between the two countries.

Highly active volcano erupts on Reunion amid media frenzy

Journalists arriving this week to the Indian Ocean island Reunion to report about the discovery of a jet wing fragment were met with another spectacular sight: the eruption of one of the Earth's most active volcanoes.

Exploring the emergence of Malaysian “commuter families”

Around the world, the numbers of dual-income, dual-household families is on the rise, fuelled by such reasons as the desire of spouses to improve their lifestyle, obtain a higher family income, or pursue better opportunities ...

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