How drones are being used in Zanzibar's fight against malaria

On a typically hot and humid July day in Stonetown, the capital of Zanzibar, a gaggle of children, teenagers and the odd parents watched our small drone take flight. My colleagues Makame Makame, Khamis Haji and I had finally ...

Mosquito fact and fiction

One of Jason Pitts' favorite stories is about mosquitoes and their strange attraction to Limburger cheese.

Playing God with mosquitoes? We humans have loftier aims

In a startling development in "gene-drive" technology, a team of researchers at the University of California has succeeded in creating genetically modified mosquitoes incapable of spreading the malaria parasite to humans, ...

Genetic changes help mosquitoes survive pesticide attacks

For decades, chemical pesticides have been the most important way of controlling insects like the Anopheles mosquito species that spreads malaria to humans. Unfortunately, the bugs have fought back, evolving genetic shields ...

Male birth control for the malaria parasite

Disrupting two genes involved in the preservation of RNA molecules inhibits the ability of the male form of the malaria parasite to mature and be transmitted from human blood into mosquitoes, interrupting a key stage in the ...

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