Research into ground improvement technique ahead of earthquakes

Juan Carlos Tiznado is the lead author on a new paper in the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering that helps engineers better understand and predict the "liquefaction" hazard during earthquakes and more ...

Entire Himalayan arc can produce large earthquakes

The main fault at the foot of the Himalayan mountains can likely generate destructive, major earthquakes along its entire 2,400-kilometer (1,500-mile) length, a new study finds. Combining historical documents with new geologic ...

Turkey's deadly quake renews alarm for Istanbul

The 7.8-magnitude earthquake that killed tens of thousands across Turkey's southeast has reignited fears of an even more catastrophic death toll if a long-feared one hits Istanbul.

New signs of eruption at Iceland volcano

Teams monitoring Iceland's Bardarbunga volcano have found evidence of a possible underground eruption as powerful earthquakes continue to shake the area, Icelandic authorities said Thursday.

Slow and regular earthquakes interact near Istanbul

Earthquakes typically last only a few seconds, although sometimes the shifts in the subsurface occur in slow motion. Understanding these 'slow quakes', known as 'slow slip events', and their interplay with the short—sometimes ...

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