New sensor could shake up earthquake response efforts

Last week's massive southern California earthquakes shut down Ridgecrest Regional Hospital throughout the July 4 holiday weekend while the tiny town of Ridgecrest assessed the damages. A new optical sensor developed at Lawrence ...

'Creeping quakes' rumble New Zealand: researchers

Researchers have discovered New Zealand's earthquake-prone landscape is even more unstable than previously thought, recording deep tremors lasting up to 30 minutes on its biggest fault line.

Chile eyes quake fault that could strike capital

Earthquake-prone Chile may be one of the countries best prepared for seismic shocks, but officials are nervously watching a major fault line that could shift any time, threatening the capital.

Big quakes more frequent than thought on San Andreas fault

Earthquakes have rocked the powerful San Andreas fault that splits California far more often than previously thought, according to UC Irvine and Arizona State University researchers who have charted temblors there stretching ...

7.1-magnitude quake hits off Fiji

A major earthquake was recorded in the south Pacific early Sunday, about 140 kilometres (88 miles) northeast of Fiji's Ndoi Island, the US Geological Survey said.

On Hawaii's Kilauea, little stresses add up

Hawaii's Kilauea volcano is one of the most active in the world. Its eruption in 2018 was its largest in 200 years and among the costliest volcanic disasters in U.S. history. Devastating as it was to the Hawaiian landscape, ...

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