California's other drought—a major earthquake is overdue

California earthquakes are a geologic inevitability. The state straddles the North American and Pacific tectonic plates and is crisscrossed by the San Andreas and other active fault systems. The magnitude 7.9 earthquake that ...

Multiple challenges remain to Fukushima nuclear cleanup

Japan's government approved a revised road map Tuesday to clean up the radioactive mess left at the Fukushima nuclear power plant after it was damaged beyond repair by an earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Decommissioning the ...

Chile eyes quake fault that could strike capital

Earthquake-prone Chile may be one of the countries best prepared for seismic shocks, but officials are nervously watching a major fault line that could shift any time, threatening the capital.

Sony net profit soars in April-June quarter

Japanese electronics and entertainment giant Sony said Tuesday its net profit nearly quadrupled in the three months to June, backed by brisk sales of smartphone components and cameras and solid revenue from its game business.

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