Astronomers discover four new 'hot Jupiters'

An international team of astronomers has detected four new "hot Jupiter" exoplanets as part of the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS). The newly found alien worlds are at least 10% larger than Jupiter but less massive ...

Astronomers detect an outbursting young stellar object

By analyzing datasets from the Palomar Gattini InfraRed survey (PGIR) and NASA's NEOWISE spacecraft, astronomers have identified an outbursting young stellar object (YSO) in the star-forming region NGC 281-W. The study, which ...

V473 Lyr has a low-mass companion, study suggests

Using ESA's XMM-Newton spacecraft, astronomers have conducted X-ray observations of a peculiar Cepheid variable star known as V473 Lyr. Results of the study suggest that this star has a young, low-mass companion. The finding ...

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