A new way to measure Earth's magnetosphere

US researchers have demonstrated the potential use of a new way to measure properties of Earth's magnetosphere, the magnetic bubble that surrounds the planet.

Sunspot 1302: It's big. It's bad. And it's coming our way

(PhysOrg.com) -- Behemoth sunspot 1302 unleashed another strong flare on Saturday morning--an X1.9-category blast at 5:40 am EDT. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash.

Generation of spin current by acoustic wave spin pumping

Tohoku University, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) announced on August 22, 2011 that Kenichi Uchida, a PhD student, and Professor Eiji Saitoh of Tohoku University and their ...

Spin pumping effect proven for the first time

German physicists led by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Zabel have demonstrated the spin pumping effect in magnetic layers for the first time experimentally. The behaviour of the spin pumping had previously only been predicted theoretically. ...

Research reveals vital insight into spintronics

(PhysOrg.com) -- Progress in electronics has relied heavily on reducing the size of the transistor to create small, powerful computers. Now spintronics, hailed as the successor to the transistor, looks set to transform the ...

Neutron analysis reveals '2 doors down' superconductivity link

Neutron scattering analysis of two families of iron-based materials suggests that the magnetic interactions thought responsible for high-temperature superconductivity may lie "two doors down": The key magnetic exchange pairings ...

3D model of the ionosphere F-region developed by NRL scientists

The first global simulation study of equatorial spread F (ESF) bubble evolution using a comprehensive 3D ionosphere model, SAMI3, has been demonstrated. The model self-consistently solves for the neutral wind driven dynamo ...

Cassini completes Rhea flyby

(PhysOrg.com) -- NASA's Cassini spacecraft has successfully completed its closest flyby of Saturn's moon Rhea, returning raw images of the icy moon's surface.

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