A direct view on spin-waves

Spin-waves are promising candidates for future information processing schemes as there is almost no frictional heating in magnetic transport. Information encoding, however, is only possible in spin-wave packets. A group of ...

Team works on reconfigurable magnetic nanopatterns

A team of international scientists led by researchers of the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) and the Politecnico of Milan in Italy has demonstrated a novel approach for designing fully reconfigurable magnetic ...

Paper proposes method to create gravitational fields

Producing and detecting gravitational fields at will using magnetic fields, controlling them for study, working with them to produce new technologies—it sounds impossible, but Prof. André Füzfa of Namur University has ...

Nanoscale one-way street for light

An optical device at nanoscale which allows light to pass in only one direction has been developed at TU Wien (Vienna). It consists of alkali atoms which are coupled to ultrathin glass fibres.

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