Light stands still in a deformed crystal

AMOLF researchers, in collaboration with Delft University of Technology, have succeeded in bringing light waves to a halt by deforming the two-dimensional photonic crystal that contains them. The researchers show that even ...

Discovering the world of dolphins and their three 'super senses'

Imagine that you're in a comfortable room with your cat. You're both sharing the same space, temperature and lighting. But while you're enjoying the décor, and perhaps a book or the taste of hot chocolate, the cat seems ...

Lunar science is entering a new active phase

For the first time since 1972, NASA is putting science experiments on the moon in 2024. And thanks to new technologies and public-private partnerships, these projects will open up new realms of scientific possibility. As ...

Hexagonal copper disk lattice unleashes spin wave control

A collaborative group of researchers has potentially developed a means of controlling spin waves by creating a hexagonal pattern of copper disks on a magnetic insulator. The breakthrough is expected to lead to greater efficiency ...

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