When electric fields make spins swirl

We are reaching the limits of silicon capabilities in terms of data storage density and speed of memory devices. One of the potential next-generation data storage elements is the magnetic skyrmion. A team at the Center for ...

Magnetic vortices with electric sense

In the field of magnetic materials, a rapidly expanding area of study concerns stable nanometer-scale spin arrangements. Spins are the fundamental magnetic entities in solids, and patterns made of several spins could be useful ...

An electrical switch for magnetism (w/ Video)

Researchers at MIT have developed a new way of controlling the motion of magnetic domains—the key technology in magnetic memory systems, such as a computer's hard disk. The new approach requires little power to write and ...

Physicists observe new magnetic state of bismuth ferrite

(Phys.org) —Using computer models, a graduate student at the University of Arkansas has collaborated with scientists in the United States and Europe to observe a new magnetic state of bismuth ferrite.

Beating the back-up blues

That sinking feeling when your hard disk starts screeching and you haven't backed up your holiday photos is a step closer to becoming a thing of the past thanks to research into a new kind of computer memory.

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