Revealing the nature of magnetic interactions in manganese oxide

For nearly 60 years, scientists have been trying to determine how manganese oxide (MnO) achieves its long-range magnetic order of alternating up and down electron spins. Now, a team of scientists has used their recently developed ...

New 'knobs' can dial in control of materials

Designing or exploring new materials is all about controlling their properties. In a new study, Cornell scientists offer insight on how different "knobs" can change material properties in ways that were previously unexplored ...

Scientists use nano-rods to investigate how matter assembles

( —In the microscopic world, everything is in motion: atoms and molecules vibrate, proteins fold, even glass is a slow flowing liquid. And during each movement there are interactions between the smallest elements ...

Smallest vibration sensor in the quantum world

Carbon nanotubes and magnetic molecules are considered building blocks of future nanoelectronic systems. Their electric and mechanical properties play an important role. Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and ...

Moving Barkhausen Effect forward

Almost 100 years after the initial discovery, a team of scientists at the University of Alberta and the National Institute for Nanotechnology in Edmonton have harnessed the Barkhausen Effect as a new kind of high-resolution ...

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