More than a spring-clean for LHC magnets

In April, work began on one of the major projects scheduled for the second long shutdown (LS2) of the CERN accelerators: improving the electrical insulation of over 1200 magnets in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). To complete ...

Expression of stop bands in forward volume spin waves

A research group led by assistant Professor Taichi Goto at Toyohashi University of Technology has, for the first time, demonstrated stop bands that prevent propagation of specific frequency components of forward volume spin ...

Probing individual edge states with unprecedented precision

A new technique makes it possible to obtain an individual fingerprint of the current-carrying edge states occurring in novel materials such as topological insulators or 2-D materials. Physicists of the University of Basel ...

Physicists study magnetic impurities in topological insulators

A group of physicists from MIPT and the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences are now one step closer to finding applications for topological insulators—materials with remarkable electrical ...

Device design allows ten-fold increase in spin currents

An electron carries electrical charge and spin that gives rise to a magnetic moment and can therefore interact with external magnetic fields. Conventional electronics are based on the charge of the electron. The emerging ...

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