Scientists achieve highest-resolution MRI of a magnet

In a development that holds potential for both data storage and biomedical imaging, Ohio State University researchers have used a new technique to obtain the highest-ever resolution MRI scan of the inside of a magnet.

A New Way Forward for Nanocomposite Nanostructures

( -- Scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory and the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign recently reported a new technique for directly writing composites of nanoparticles and polymers.

New views at the nanoscale

( -- Magnetic resonance imaging, first developed in the early 1970s, has become a standard diagnostic tool for cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurological disorders, among others. MRI is ideally suited to ...

When electric fields make spins swirl

We are reaching the limits of silicon capabilities in terms of data storage density and speed of memory devices. One of the potential next-generation data storage elements is the magnetic skyrmion. A team at the Center for ...

Quantum-limited Measurement Method for Nanosensors

( -- ( -- A team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and the Ludwig Maximilians University have succeeded in applying a novel optical method to nano-mechanical oscillators. ...

New discovery could pave the way for spin-based computing

Electricity and magnetism rule our digital world. Semiconductors process electrical information, while magnetic materials enable long-term data storage. A University of Pittsburgh research team has discovered a way to fuse ...

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