Researchers synthesize carbon nanosolenoid with Riemann surfaces

Albert Einstein constructed equations of general relativity by adopting Riemann geometry. In addition to the key role it played in mathematics and physics, Riemann geometry has provided predictions for the properties of curved ...

How to test the limits of quantum mechanics

Researchers from Imperial College London and Lancaster University have suggested a new approach to test the limits of applicability of quantum mechanics.

Flawed diamonds may provide perfect interface for quantum computers

Flaws in diamonds—atomic defects where carbon is replaced by nitrogen or another element—may offer a close-to-perfect interface for quantum computing, a proposed communications exchange that promises to be faster and ...

ESR-STM on single molecules and molecule-based structures

Scaling down information devices to the atomic scale has brought the interest of using individual spins as a basic unit for data storage. This requires precise detection and control of spin states and a better understanding ...

Transforming a layered ferromagnet for future spintronics

A RMIT-led international collaboration published this week has achieved record-high electron doping in a layered ferromagnet, causing magnetic phase transition with significant promise for future electronics

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