Researchers demonstrate holographic memory device

( —A team of researchers from the University of California, Riverside Bourns College of Engineering and Russian Academy of Science have demonstrated a new type of holographic memory device that could provide unprecedented ...

An electrical switch for magnetism (w/ Video)

Researchers at MIT have developed a new way of controlling the motion of magnetic domains—the key technology in magnetic memory systems, such as a computer's hard disk. The new approach requires little power to write and ...

A quantum simulator for magnetic materials

Physicists understand perfectly well why a fridge magnet sticks to certain metallic surfaces. But there are more exotic forms of magnetism whose properties remain unclear, despite decades of intense research. An important ...

Researchers at IceCube detect record energy neutrinos

( —Researchers at the Antarctic research station IceCube are reporting that they've detected the highest ever energy neutrinos ever observed. In their paper they've uploaded to the preprint server arXiv, the team ...

Observing electrons in real-time could lead to faster computing

( —New research revealing the interactions between electrons and organic carrier materials in devices that use electron spin to encode information could help in the development of faster and more efficient data ...

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