Related topics: newspaper

Major layoffs loom at Time Inc.: reports

Time Inc., publisher of Time, Fortune, Sports Illustrated, People and other magazines, plans to lay off some 540 employees starting next week, or six percent of its workforce, The New York Post reported Friday.

Esquire looks to energize print with 3-D animation

(AP) -- Hold Esquire's December issue in front of a webcam, and an on-screen image of the magazine pops to life, letters flying off the cover. Shift and tilt the magazine, and the animation on the screen moves accordingly.

Hardy New Corn Lines Released

( -- Six new inbred maize lines with resistance to aflatoxin contamination have now been registered in the United States by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS). ARS plant pathologist Robert Brown and colleague ...

Google hopes readers will 'flip' over new format

(AP) -- Google Inc. is testing a new format that is supposed to make reading online stories as easy as flipping through a magazine, a shift that eventually could feed more advertising sales to revenue-starved publishers.

Placing ads: Location, location, location

Marketers have always known they must carefully choose where they place their ads, but a new study in Journal of Consumer Research shows that even the nearby content in a publication—its difficulty and design—affect consumers' ...

'World of Warcraft,' the magazine

Media group Future announced Thursday it has teamed up with videogame publisher Blizzard Entertainment to launch an official magazine about the hugely popular videogame "World of Warcraft."

Canadian model unmasks blog tormentor

A Canadian model has won a landmark case in a New York court after Google was forced to disclose the online identity of a blogger who anonymously posted derogatory comments about the Vogue covergirl.

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