Madagascar connected to EASSy fiber optic cable

Madagascar has been connected to EASSy, a high bandwidth fibre optic cable that connects countries on Africa's eastern coast to the rest of the world, Telecom Malagasy (Telma) said Saturday.

Sucker-footed bats don't use suction after all (w/ Video)

There are approximately 1,200 species of bats worldwide. Of that total, only six are known to roost with their heads pointed upward. Investigators did not know why, because they knew next to nothing about one key group.

11 new species come to light in Madagascar

Madagascar is home to extraordinary biodiversity, but in the past few decades, the island's forests and associated biodiversity have been under greater attack than ever. Rapid deforestation is affecting the biotopes of hundreds ...

Migratory route of Eleonora's falcon revealed for first time

Satellite tracking has allowed a research team to uncover the mysteries of the migration of Eleanora's falcon for the first time. In total, the bird flies more than 9,500 kilometres across the African continent from the Balearic ...

Climate change doubles cost of conserving nature

Climate change will make conservation of biodiversity, and all the associated human benefits such as clean water and clean air, more challenging and expensive, with costs increasing by more than 100 percent in some cases, ...

Ancient snakes living on Madagascar

"Blindsnakes are not very pretty, are rarely noticed, and are often mistaken for earthworms," admits Blair Hedges, professor of biology at Penn State University. "Nonetheless, they tell a very interesting evolutionary story." ...

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