Expert discusses machine learning and climate modeling

Today, predicting what the future has in store for Earth's climate means dealing in uncertainties. For example, the core climate projections from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has put the global temperature ...

Deep learning stretches up to scientific supercomputers

Machine learning, a form of artificial intelligence, enjoys unprecedented success in commercial applications. However, the use of machine learning in high performance computing for science has been limited. Why? Advanced ...

Microbes in the bilge

Microbiologist Steve Techtmann won a DARPA Young Faculty Award (YFA) to study microbial biosignatures that identify what waters they traverse.

Facebook donates servers to speed up research into AI (Update)

Facebook announced Thursday it was donating computer servers to a number of research institutions across Europe, starting with Germany, to accelerate research efforts into artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

How computers help biologists crack life's secrets

Once the three-billion-letter-long human genome was sequenced, we rushed into a new "omics" era of biological research. Scientists are now racing to sequence the genomes (all the genes) or proteomes (all the proteins) of ...

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