Facebook donates servers to speed up research into AI (Update)

Facebook announced Thursday it was donating computer servers to a number of research institutions across Europe, starting with Germany, to accelerate research efforts into artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

Improving machine learning with an old approach

Computer scientist Rong Ge has an interesting approach to machine learning. While most machine learning specialists will build an algorithm which molds to a specific dataset, Ge builds an algorithm which he can guarantee ...

How computers help biologists crack life's secrets

Once the three-billion-letter-long human genome was sequenced, we rushed into a new "omics" era of biological research. Scientists are now racing to sequence the genomes (all the genes) or proteomes (all the proteins) of ...

The future of artificial intelligence

Only a few years ago, it would have seemed improbable to assume that a piece of technology could quickly and accurately understand most of what you say – let alone translate it into another language.

Converting data into knowledge

When a movie-streaming service recommends a new film you might like, sometimes that recommendation becomes a new favorite; other times, the computer's suggestion really misses the mark. Yisong Yue, assistant professor of ...

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