Flipping the 'off' switch on cell growth

A protein known for turning on genes to help cells survive low-oxygen conditions also slows down the copying of new DNA strands, thus shutting down the growth of new cells, Johns Hopkins researchers report. Their discovery ...

Air pollution costs $2.9 trillion a year: NGO

The global cost of air pollution caused by fossil fuels is $8 billion a day, or roughly 3.3 percent of the entire world's economic output, an environmental research group said on Wednesday.

As Dubai hosts climate talks, its air pollution soars

Dubai's glitzy skyline was obscured by a blanket of smog rated as "unhealthy" on Sunday as thousands of delegates attended a COP28 conference dedicated to the harmful effects of air pollution.

Researchers discover hybrid fungus involved in lung infections

Aspergillus latus, a species of fungus previously found only in soil or plants, has been found for the first time in a hospital environment by an international group of researchers. The group sequenced its genome and discovered ...

Micro-pollution ravaging China and South Asia: study

Nearly 90 percent of the 200 cities beset by the world's highest levels of deadly micro-pollution are in China and India, with most of the rest in Pakistan and Indonesia, researchers reported Tuesday.

Exhaled biomarkers can reveal lung disease

Using specialized nanoparticles, MIT engineers have developed a way to monitor pneumonia or other lung diseases by analyzing the breath exhaled by the patient.

California wildfire smoke blankets parts of Canada

Smoke from California and Oregon wildfires has cloaked Canada's third-largest city of Vancouver—known for its majestic mountain views and fresh ocean breezes—in the dirtiest air in the world this week.

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