Bacterial colonization of the lung also depends on the host genome

The lung is by no means a sterile place, as was assumed for a long time. In fact, it actually harbors a diverse microbial ecosystem. We know from previous studies that changes in the lung microbiome are associated with diseases ...

Air pollution particles trigger cellular defense mechanisms

The link between air pollution and lung disease has long been recognized. Now a new USC study reveals one biological process that may be behind that link—a discovery which could provide new insights on better ways to treat ...

How cells zip through the stickiest mucus

A team led by Johns Hopkins University engineers figured out how and why human cells move much faster through thick mucus than thinner varieties. People sick with certain diseases, including asthma and COVID-19, secrete mucus ...

Smoke from wildfires ages in the atmosphere

Emissions, like smoke from wildfires and exhaust from vehicles, go through chemical changes when they enter the atmosphere. New research from the University of Georgia shows, for the first time, that these changes may affect ...

Study shows vaccine protects dogs against Valley fever

A possible canine vaccine for Valley fever took one giant step closer to becoming a reality thanks to a University of Arizona College of Medicine—Tucson-led study that showed the vaccine provided a high level of protection ...

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