Related topics: space · china · moon

Europe's plans to visit the Moon in 2018

The European Space Agency is aiming for the Moon with their Lunar Lander mission, anticipated to arrive on the lunar surface in 2018. Although ESA successfully put a lander on the surface of Titan with the Huygens probe in ...

Top Indian space scientist quits over blacklisting

A top Indian scientist said Saturday he had resigned from the nation's Space Commission to protest the government's blacklisting of four scientists over alleged irregularities in a satellite deal.

A chronology of China's space programme

China on Tuesday launched an unmanned spacecraft to carry out a key docking mission, taking its next step towards the goal of building its first space station by 2020.

GRAIL launch less than one month away

( -- NASA's twin lunar probes – GRAIL-A and GRAIL-B - completed their final inspections and were weighed one final time at the Astrotech Space Operations facility in Titusville, Fla., on Tuesday. The two ...

China's space program shoots for moon, Mars, Venus

This year, a rocket will carry a boxcar-sized module into orbit, the first building block for a Chinese space station. Around 2013, China plans to launch a lunar probe that will set a rover loose on the moon. It wants to ...

Asia's star burns ever brighter in space

Asia's extraterrestrial ambitions have rocketed from nowhere in the 50 years since the first human space flight, with China shooting for the moon while India and Japan fuel up their own programmes.

China setting up new rocket production base

China is setting up a new high-tech manufacturing base that will build the rockets for its ambitious space programme to put a man on the moon, state press has said.

China unveils photos of moon

China on Monday unveiled photos taken by its lunar probe of the moon's Sinus Iridium, the area marked out for the nation's first landing, highlighting the success of the mission so far.

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