India prepares to land rover on moon in global space race

India is looking to take a giant leap in its space program and solidify its place among the world's spacefaring nations with its second unmanned mission to the moon, this one aimed at landing a rover near the unexplored south ...

NASA team studies CubeSat mission to measure water on the moon

A team of NASA scientists wants to draw a more complete picture of where water exists on the Moon and whether it migrates across the lunar surface, including in the permanently shadowed regions that haven't seen sunlight ...

New NASA study suggests moon once had an atmosphere

A new study shows that an atmosphere was produced around the ancient Moon, 3 to 4 billion years ago, when intense volcanic eruptions spewed gases above the surface faster than they could escape to space. The study, supported ...

LunaH-map cubeSat to map the moon's water deposits

Arizona State University (ASU) is developing a small satellite that will search hydrogen in lunar craters with the ultimate goal of creating the most detailed map of the moon's water deposits. The spacecraft, named Lunar ...

Image: Lunar ice drill

A drill designed to penetrate 1–2 m into the lunar surface is envisaged by ESA to fly to the Moon's south pole on Russia's Luna-27 lander in 2020.

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