Seeing red? Making carbon nanotubes clearer to the naked eye

If you were to look at a carbon nanotube with the naked eye you wouldn't see much more than black powder, but now a team of EU-funded scientists has developed a novel way of making these multi-purpose nanotechnology building ...

Size matters as nanocrystals go through phases

( —Understanding what happens to a material as it undergoes phase transformations – changes from a solid to a liquid to a gas or a plasma – is of fundamental scientific interest and critical for optimizing ...

Researchers develop tuneable anti-counterfeiting material

Counterfeiters are becoming increasingly more sophisticated in forging everything from diplomas and currency to medications and artwork. While protective measures such as luminescent markings (which glow under ultraviolet ...

Europium complexes emit red light at record efficiency

Researchers worldwide continue search for better luminescent materials for OLED manufacturing. Two new compounds with europium complexes developed at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in ...

Technology for the next generation

Luminescent materials are increasingly starring in many aspects of our daily lives. They can be found in traffic lights, computer screens, smartphones and tablets, Euro banknotes, medical devices, and films for X-rays and ...

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