Lucy mission one step closer to the Trojan asteroids

NASA's Lucy mission, led by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), has achieved an important milestone by passing its System Integration Review and clearing the way for spacecraft assembly. This NASA Discovery Program class ...

Navigating NASA's first mission to the Trojan asteroids

In science fiction, explorers can hop in futuristic spaceships and traverse half the galaxy in the blink of a plot hole. However, this sidelines the navigational acrobatics required in order to guarantee real-life mission ...

NASA's Lucy in the sky with … asteroids?

A little over 4 billion years ago, the planets in our solar system coexisted with vast numbers of small rocky or icy objects orbiting the Sun. These were the last remnants of the planetesimals – the primitive building blocks ...

Human ancestor 'Lucy' was a tree climber, new evidence suggests

Since the discovery of the fossil dubbed Lucy 42 years ago this month, paleontologists have debated whether the 3 million-year-old human ancestor spent all of her time walking on the ground or instead combined walking with ...

Discoverer of Lucy skeleton hopes to find what made us human

This month marks the 40th anniversary of the discovery of Lucy, the partial skeleton of an apelike creature that walked upright 3.5 million years ago. The 1974 find would forever change humanity's understanding of where our ...

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