Using less gas and oil to get where you're going

A quick pit-stop at the gas station is enough to put a good dent in your wallet. New technology is set to lower the high cost of filling up your car, by enabling combustion engines to consume two to three percent less gas ...

Novel molecules significantly reduce wear

Machines with sliding and rolling parts are virtually ubiquitous. European funding enabled researchers to develop high-performing coatings and lubricants based on a novel new class of molecules to significantly reduce wear.

Supercharged safflower

This scientific achievement has produced safflower seed oil that contains more than 90 per cent of this valuable fatty acid, the highest level of purity of an individual fatty acid currently available in any plant oil.

Improved lubrication without oil

Running nicely – this applies even more to aqueous biopolymer solutions than to oil. These solutions are used as a cooling lubricant for machining hard metals and for tool-making machinery on which tools are manufactured.

US firm to make pay-out for China oil spill: report

ConocoPhillips and its Chinese partner will pay around 305 million yuan ($48 million) to fishermen in a northern port city over a major oil spill last year, a state-backed newspaper said Monday.

Green industrial lubricant developed

A team of researchers from the University of Huelva has developed an environmentally-friendly lubricating grease based on ricin oil and cellulose derivatives, according to the journal Green Chemistry. The new formula does ...

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