New ultrahard diamond glass synthesized

Carnegie's Yingwei Fei and Lin Wang were part of an international research team that synthesized a new ultrahard form of carbon glass with a wealth of potential practical applications for devices and electronics. It is the ...

Radio halo detected in a low-mass galaxy cluster

Using the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), European astronomers have carried out radio observations of a low-mass galaxy cluster known as PSZ2G145.92-12.53, dubbed the Ant Cluster. In result, they identified a radio halo—a ...

Scientists model Mars climate to understand habitability

A Southwest Research Institute scientist modeled the atmosphere of Mars to help determine that salty pockets of water present on the Red Planet are likely not habitable by life as we know it on Earth. A team that also included ...

Strange new species of duck-billed dinosaur identified

The most complete skull of a duck-billed dinosaur from Big Bend National Park, Texas, is revealed in the Journal of Systematic Palaeontology as a new genus and species, Aquilarhinus palimentus. This dinosaur has been named ...

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