Hunt on for monarch butterfly eggs in the gardens of Canada

When Canadian conservation enthusiasts head out to find monarch eggs, it's always with a magnifying glass and a notebook. They are volunteers taking part in a summer census of the iconic, endangered butterflies.

Nvidia Tegra 3 quad-core chip stokes tablet wars

( -- Nvidia has launched its Tegra 3, the quad-core chip designed for mobile devices. Tech and investor blogs were busy yesterday assessing what this means for upcoming tablets and smartphones as to performance ...

A new way of looking at the Earth's interior

Current understanding is that the chemical composition of the Earth's mantle is relatively homogeneous. But experiments conducted by ETH researchers now show that this view is too simplistic. Their results solve a key problem ...

Molecular device turns infrared into visible light

Light is an electromagnetic wave: It consists of oscillating electric and magnetic fields propagating through space. Every wave is characterized by its frequency, which refers to the number of oscillations per second, measured ...

Women are better at statistics than they think

Women in statistics classes do better academically than men over a semester despite having more negative attitudes regarding their own abilities, according to our recent study in the Journal of Statistics and Data Science ...

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