Ultracool dwarf binary stars break records

Northwestern University and the University of California San Diego (UC San Diego) astrophysicists have discovered the tightest ultracool dwarf binary system ever observed.

Super-Earth Ross 508b skims habitable zone of red dwarf

The first exoplanet has been discovered by Subaru Strategic Program using the infrared spectrograph IRD on the Subaru Telescope (IRD-SSP). This planet, Ross 508b, is a super-Earth with about four times the mass of the Earth ...

Giant stars undergo dramatic weight loss program

Astronomers at the University of Sydney have found a slimmer type of red giant star for the first time. These stars have undergone dramatic weight loss, possibly due to the presence a greedy neighbor. Published in Nature ...

Too much heavy metal stops stars producing more

Stars are giant factories that produce most of the elements in the universe—including the elements in us, and in Earth's metal deposits. But how do stars produce changes over time?

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